About ME

My name is Fanney and i am a LifeCoach, Healer and a Life Counselor.

I grew up in Reykjavik - Iceland and I’ve always had a burning interest in spirituality, mystical things, the human mind and psychology.

Mind - Body & Spirit - Balance is key!

At the age of 12 i started playing with Tarot cards and after that there was No Turning Back.

I completed my Master's degree in Strategic Management from the University of Iceland in 2014 and then I became a mother of two beautiful girls shortly thereafter. I have been with my wonderful husband for 21 years now & we are still growing stronger together, Family is everything.

For the past 6 years I’ve attended various courses to heal traumas to strengthen my own lifestyle and to achieve better quality of life for myself and my family.

Today I have a diploma in lifeCoaching from Life Coach Academy, 100 hours Yoga Science from Mystery school and Middlepathmovement, KAP Iceland and in Hypnosis from Breytt Hugsun. I have a Teacher's License in Meditation and Breathing from (Breathe through life) (Metatronic breathing teacher training) as well as being a Children's Yoga teacher. My interest are all mystical things! Astrology, Numerology, Tarot,Yoga, Human design, Gene Key & Sound healing.

I am currently studying about women's hormonal system (menstrual cycle and menopause). My true passion in life is to give back what i have gained from my own healing journey and to help individuals to reconnect with their hearts & intuition & improve mental and physical health.

Hidden Abilities: Being Clairvoyant & being an Animal Whisperer.

Maybe it´s fate that you came across my website! I actually don´t believe in coincidences!

Please don´t hesitate to reach out!


Allow Your Emotions to Move, Act & FLow Freely